Friday, April 13, 2007

more is more

... Just what we need! Maria Echols the extrodinary seamstress is going to do alterations.

and our own teamster.....Bugsy is going to do all the pickups. Manpower can not be underestimated.

With just a couple weeks left and so much to do I am grateful for all the support. we have most of what we need!!

Please get youselves signed up if you ar working at the actual event...this is the easiest...

copy and paste this link to your browesr

this is the basic explanation if you want to pass info on...

I am working with a great big charity event called BigSunday
( ) It is a huge event here in Los angeles with dozens of
programs to help Los angeles and its people in a million ways.
Last year we had 32,000 volenteers......

This is one of the projects......we are doing hair, makeup
and wardrobe styling on Sunday April 29th for 60 homeless women who live
in the Good Sheppard shelter in Echo park.
We are doing a Day of Beauty to help them as they
transition back to the work environment, make them feel special and
respected and give them the tools to recreate the new looks.

Here is what I need...ANY HAIR OR MAKEUP PRODUCTS to leave these
women so they can continue to look and feel
special and beautiful after the event is over. Also, a BUSINESS
CLOTHING drive...donate your clothes at NONI 225 N Larchmont
large sizes especially needed...Shoes, bags and belts too...

VOLENTEERS ON THE organize, serve snacks, clean up, and bring
posative energy.........

FOOD..snacks and sandwiches, to feed the 90 or so people participating on the day
time, creative talent and good vibes at the event......
I bet it willbe a very satisfying experience.
Let me know what you think .... Thanks in advance.......Roz

Day of Beauty
Team Captain

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