Sunday, April 29, 2007

well...we did it!

All I can say is it was a big sucess...and many thanks to all the inspired people who made it happen.

So many good emotions !...we worked, we horsed around, we created, we listened and we shared.

The photography department was so deep, we are going to have a show of some of the breathtaking portraits.

Hair, makeup, wardrobe...really treated everyone with respect, and made it fun for everyone. and turned out some BEAUTY!
doing the staff!..above the call of duty!

The volenteers, standing ovation. I want to give a shout out to the kids and students who
jumped right in...and worked so hard. You know who you are!

It was a true team effort and I count our clients as part of the team...THANK YOU EVERYONE.

more later ...........

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Found you! :) This is Ethan, the bald guy working with Hussein on his Mac notebook. Looking forward to show--I'll keep looking back here to see if it's going to come together. Awesome!! :)

Much love,

Ethan & Suzanne Ransom